Science and Technology Policy Research Center
Pays : Turkey
Type d'institution : University
Institution FEMISE : yes
Thèmes de recherche
- Regional Development
- Industrial Policy
- Innovation
Participation in FEMISE-funded research: %s
Publications récentes
Akçomak, I.S., Müller-Zick, Hanna (2018), Trust and inventive activity in Europe: Causal, spatial and non-linear forces, Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming.
Akçomak, I.S., Kok, S. and Rojas-Romagosa, H. (2016), Technology, offshoring and the task-content of occupations: Evidence from the United Kingdom, International Labour Review, 155(2), 201-230.
Akçomak, I.S., Webbink, D. and ter Weel, B., (2016) Why did the Netherlands Develop so Early? The legacy of the Brethren of the Common Life, Economic Journal, 126(593), 821-860.
Akçomak ,I.S., Akdeve, E. and Findik, D., (2015) How do ICT firms in Turkey manage innovation? Diversity in expertise versus diversity in markets, The World Scientific Reference on Globalisation in Euroasia and the Pacific Rim. Volume II: Innovation, Dyker, D. and Dai, X. (eds), Vol 2, Chapter 9, Imperial College Press, pp. 155-172.
Akçomak, I.S. and Gürcihan, B. (2013) “Türkiye işgücü piyasasında mesleklerin önemi: İşgücü ve ücret kutuplaşması”, İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 28 (333), 9-42.
Akçomak, I. S. and ter Weel, B. (2012) “The impact of social capital on crime: Evidence from the Netherlands” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42 (1), 323-340.
Akçomak, I. S., Borghans, Lex and ter Weel, B. (2011) “Measuring and interpreting trends in the division of labour in the Netherlands”, De Economist, 159 (4), 435-482.
Akçomak, I. S. and ter Weel, B. (2009) “Social Capital, Innovation and Growth: Evidence from Europe”, European Economic Review, 53 (5), 544-567.