European Institute, London School of Economics
Pays : United Kingdom
Type d'institution : University
Institution FEMISE : yes
Thèmes de recherche
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Poverty and Inequalities
- Trade International Agreements
- EuroMed Cooperation
- Labour Market
- Regional Development
- Industrial Policy
- Regional Integration
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Households
- Gender
- Migration
- Euro-Med Cooperation
Participation in FEMISE-funded research: %s
Publications récentes
Kallioras D., Monastitiotis V. and Petrakos G. (2017), Spatial dynamics and agglomeration forces in the EU periphery, Annals of Regional Science (DOI: 10.1007/s00168-016-0798-x)
Monastitiotis V., Kallioras D. and Petrakos G. (2016), The regional impact of European Union association agreements: an event-analysis approach to the case of Central and Eastern Europe, Regional Studies, vol.51 (10), pp.1454-1468.
Monastitiotis V. (2016), Foreign-firm ownership, institutional proximity and the geography of intra-industry spillovers in the EU neighbourhood: do European firms raise domestic productivity by more?, Environment and Planning C, vol.34 (4), pp.676-697.
Christopoulou R. and Monastiriotis V. (2016), Public-private wage duality during the Greek crisis, Oxford Economic Papers, vol.68 (1), pp.174-196.
Monastiriotis V. and Martelli A. (2014), Labour market informality and non-standard employment in Serbia during the global financial crisis, Südosteuropa, vol.62 (4), pp.421-439.
Monastiriotis V. (2014), Convergence through crisis? The impact of the crisis on wage returns across the Greek regions, Region et Developpement, No39, pp.35-66.
Monastiriotis V. and Psycharis Y. (2014), Between equity, efficiency and redistribution: An analysis of revealed allocation criteria of regional public investment in Greece, European Urban and Regional Studies, vol.21 (4), pp.445-462.
Monastiriotis V. (2014), Regional growth and national development: transition in Central and Eastern Europe and the regional Kuznets curve in the east and the west, Spatial Economic Analysis, vol.9 (2), pp.142-161.