Principaux acteurs
Economic Reserach Forum (ERF): Regional Network of economists from the south of Mediterranean and Gulf Countries, co-cordinator of FEMISE
Commission Européenne / E.U Commission/EuropeAID
Banque Européenne d’Investissement/ European Investment Bank/ Femip: Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP)
Réseaux Euromed et programmes sur la Méditerranée
ERSA, The European Regional Science Association: supranational grouping of national regional science associations across Europe, that gathers 3500 members , academics, policy professionals and researchers interested in spatial economics and planning, regional and local development and related issues.
EUROMED IHEDN, association that aims to contribute to fostering peace and prosperity in the Mediterranean region, by informing citizen on the stakes and challenges of the region. It provides through three main activities, namely networking, a programme of monthly conferences programme and various seminars.
Anima, multi-country platform supporting the economic development of the Mediterranean. The objective of ANIMA is to contribute to a better investment and business climate and to the growth of capital flows into the Mediterranean region.
BabelMed, The mediterranean cultures site is an online magazine gathering a multicultural network of journalists from the whole Mediterranean and reporting about contemporary and dynamic cultural productions in the region.
Plan Bleu, Regional Activity Centre of the Mediterranean Action Plan (under the auspices of the United Nations conference on the Environment) focusing on environment and development in the Mediterranean.
LeJmed, online newspaper providing useful information on local, economic and cultural news in the Mediterranean.
And also
Euromed Statistics