FEMISE is pleased to announce the organisation of Third edition of the annual conference on “Research initiative on the Economics of the Middle East” on the 5 and 6 of November 2018 in Paris, France.
The conference is organised by the UMR “development and Societies”, the ‘Institut d’Étude du Développement Économique et Social’ IEDES, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Middle East Maghreb Center (Maghreb Chair), in collaboration with FEMISE* , University of Oxford, Heriot Watt University and Sciences Po Lille.

Sevket Pamuk, Prof of Economics and Economic History, Bogazici Univeristy
In addition, the organisers are pleased to present the keynote speaker: Prof. Sevket Pamuk who is a great scholar specialised in the economic history of the Middle East. Prof Pamuk will be the keynote speaker at the inaugural conference on “Uneven Centuries: observations on Economic Development in Turkey” which will be taking place on the 5th of November at at 4:30 pm at the Bachelard amphitheater in Sorbonne (54 rue Saint Jacques. The keynote speech is open to the public, if you would like to attend the keynote speech please register in the following link (deadline for subscription is Friday 2nd of November):
The two days seminar is bringing together more than 50 researchers from more than 15 countries to present their most recent research work on the challenges facing economic development in the Middle East and North Africa, with a particular emphasis on economic policies in the region. The sessions will cover issues of mobility issues including impact of refugees, inequality, poverty and education, the political economy of government policies, industrial policies, cronyism and firms’’ behaviour, competition, corruption and macroeconomic policies.
To access the agenda, please click on the link below:
Agenda Research Inititave on the Economics of the Middle East
* The financial contribution of FEMISE towards the event is made in the context of the FEMISE –EU project on “ Support to Economic Research, studies and dialogues of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership » . Any Views expressed in this event are the sole responsability of the speakers.