Theme : Decentralization and Regional Development in the Mediterranean countries
Place : Marrakesh, Morroco
Date : On 25 november 2012
FEMISE organised a workshop entitled: Decentralization and Regional Development in the Mediterranean countries on the 25th of November 2012 in Marrakech, Morocco following its annual conference.
The purpose of the workshop is to examine the decentralization process and related local institutions in the Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia) and assessing the specific impact of decentralization on economic and social outcomes. The workshop creates an opportunity for policy debate between policy-makers at the central and local levels, academics and representatives of international organizations interested in the issue such as the World Bank and UNDP.
The issue of decentralization and regional development is high on the agenda for policy-makers in the south Mediterranean countries. They are also of interest for the European Union as broader participation and well functioning institutions in south Mediterranean countries are prerequisites for an inclusive growth process and more security and stability in the whole region.
The workshop addressed the following themes:
– The rationale for decentralization and lessons for designing the architecture of decentralization
– Comparing and contrasting country experiences
To access the workshop agenda and concept note, click here
This workshop is based on a large reserach project financed by the FEMISE through the European Commission grant. The report is entitled: Decentralization and Economic Performance in Selected South Mediterranean Countries (FEM35-19) (Access the report)