Bureau and Specialised Committees

I.  The Bureau is composed of:


Ibrahim Elbadawi, President, FEMISE and Managing Director, ERF

Rafael de Arce Borda,  Treasurer, FEMISE and Professor, University Autonome de Madrid
Maryse Louis, General Manager, FEMISE and Programs Manager, ERF
Passainte Atef, Policy & Economic Analyst, FEMISE & Program Officer, ERF
Menna Elkashif, Communication Officer, FEMISE 

II. Specialised Committees 

The Board of Directors has created a number of specialised Committees to support the FEMISE activities .

II.1. Membership Committee

II.2. Governance Committee

II.3. Scientific Committee

II.4. Ethics Committee

III. Registered Office of the Association

The registered office of the FEMISE association is at the following address:

FEMISE Association 
 2 rue Henri Barbusse
F-13 241 Marseille cedex 01
New Tel: ++ 33 9 71 53 89 15 (09 71 53 89 15)
Email: contact@femise.org
Website: www.femise.org