Partners and donors

FEMISE benefits from the funding of  various donors, among which: .

CommissionEuroemd flag-800wiThe European Commission and the Europe Aid program are considered the main donors of FEMISE and has supported its activities since 1998 through different funding programs.

Other donors have contributed to the activities of FEMISE as follows:

EIB FEMISE receives funds from the European Investment Bank (EIB) through FEMIP program through a Memorendum of Understanding signed with FEMISE since 2007.


RecAFD_rvb_v2ently joined the FEMISE donors is the Agence Francaise de Development, which supported some FEMISE activities in 2014.


Also, FEMISE is partner with:


Plan Bleu

Other donors and partners in thematic projects include: European Commission FP7 program, the World Bank, the Word Forum…etc

FEMISE continues to be open for partnerships and funding opportunities that will enable it to extend its activities and further develop and promote research on the Euromed region.