Become a Member of FEMISE Network

The Femise network remains open to non-profit institutes with interest in political economy, or research organizations and similar independent, non-profit organization from all 37 countries of the EU-Med Region (10 Mediterranean Partners Countries and the 27 EU countries).

Being member of the FEMISE network allow the institute to take part in FEMISE activities, including (but not limited to): (i) participating in its annual conferences and benefit from the knowledge on topics related to the EU-Med, networking with other members of the network and communicating with other officials and experts; (ii) participating in the Internal Consultation of FEMISE and receiving funds to undertake research projects on topics that are considered as priorities to the region; (iii) interact with other scholars and members to collaborate future research; ..etc. .

There are two types of Membership: Active Member (full access to all activities, including rights to vote in the General Assembly) and Observer Member (full access to all activities, excluding the right to vote in the General Assembly).

To become a member of the FEMSIE network, there are three steps to take:

I. Fulfilling the criteria:

The Institute wishing to become member of the FEMISE network has to fulfill the following criteria, as decided by the Board of Directors of FEMISE:

1. Pre-requisites related to the candidate institute

The institute has to be:

1. A non-governmental Organisation or an academic Institute

2. A non-profit organisation

3. Active in Economic Research and in themes covered by FEMISE

2. Membership criteria

For the candidate institute to be considered for membership, it has to fulfil the following criteria:

1. The charter of the institute reflects that its main objective is to undertake socio-economic research (to be already oriented towards the EU-Med research is a plus but not mandatory)

2. The institute has done work on socio-economic topics related to the EU-Med region, or is interested to undertake this scope of research (a letter, or note to express this interest could be accepted). Institutes working in related fields (such as management, sociology, ..etc) may also be considered for membership provided they have a critical mass of economists and a track-record of economic work on themes that are covered by FEMISE.

3. To host a Group of researchers (CVs) experienced in economic research or related field.

Taking into account the above criteria, there will be a consideration for the geographic balance of the countries represented in the network.

II. Preparing the Dossier of candidature:

The following documents need to be prepared and send to the Bureau:

1. A formal letter to request membership (as an Active member or Observer) signed by the person in charge of the institute (please ask for the template available at the bureau)

2. The Charter or a formal document explaining the activity and the status of the Institute and a brief note about it.

3. An original of the Charter of the FEMISE Association signed  by the person in charge of the institute (the Charter of FEMISE can be provided by the bureau upon request).  (In case of Observer membership this document is not requested)

4. At least two CVs of main researchers affiliated to the Institute (standard CV forms are available)

5. List of publications of the institute, specially those related to the EU-Med

III. Presentation to the Board of Directors and Decision

The Bureau prepares the dossier of candidature and presents it to the Board of Directors in their nearest annual meeting (twice a year). Members of the Board of Directors examine the dossier and make their decision (by vote) to accept, refer back for more information or decline the request.

The Decision of the Board of Directors shall be communicated to the candidate. Its decision shall be considered final and without recourse.

*: Added with a decision from the Board on June 2012

For more information, or inquiries, please contact:

Maryse Louis at