rapport de recherche
FEMISE is pleased to announce the publication of 6 new Research Reports on its website. These researches have been carried out by members of the FEMISE network and financed by the European Commission. The new reports address issues related to social development including poverty and health, financial development, Investment, price competitiveness, total factor productivty and GAFTA.
Programme 2006-2007:
FEM31-02R: Financial Development, Economic Growth And Poverty Alleviation In Mena Region, directed by: Mondher Cherif (ESC Sfax, Tunis) et Samy Bennaceur (Univeristé Novembre 7, Tunis).
See summary //Download the complete report
FEM31-06R: Analyse de l’impact de la croissance sur la pauvreté et identification des stratégies de croissance bénéfique aux pauvres («pro-poor growth strategies»). Etude des cas pour six pays partenaires méditerranéens : Egypte, Israël, Liban, Maroc, Tunisie et Turquie, directed by: Valérie Berenger et Claude Berthomieu (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNSA), France)
See summary //Download the complete report
FEM31-19R: Compétitivité prix et efficacité productive dans les secteurs manufacturiers des pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen Orient, directed by: Patrick Plane (CERDI, Université d’Auvergne, France)
See summary //Download the complete report// Download annexe 1 “Total Factor Productivity of Tunisia’s manufacturing sectors: measurement, determinants and convergence towards OECD countries”//Download annexe 2 “TFP in Tunisian Manufacturing Sectors: Convergence or Catch-up with OECD Members?”
Programme 2007-2008:
FEM32-01 : Interdependencies of Health, Education & Poverty with Policy Implications for Southern Mediterranean Countries, directed by: Ahmed Driouchi, (IEAPS, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco)
See summary //Download the complete report
FEM32-03 : The Greater Arab Free Trade Area: An ex-post appraisal within an imperfect competition framework, directed by: Nicolas Péridy (Université de Nantes, France)
See Summary//Download the complete report
FEM32-04: Dynamique des investissements, mutations sectorielles et convertibilité du compte de capital : impacts des mesures de libéralisation et expériences comparées Tunisie – Maroc, directed by: Rafik Baccouche (FSEG – Université de Tunis El Manar)