The FEMISE Policy Brief series MED BRIEF aspires to provide Forward Thinking for the EuroMediterranean region. The briefs contain succinct, policy-oriented analysis of relevant EuroMed issues, presenting the views of FEMISE researchers and collaborators to policy-makers.
The latest MED BRIEF on “Migration, Comparative Advantages and Knowledge Diffusion in the EU-Mediterranean region” is available here.
Summary : In this policy brief we report the outcomes of a project which investigates how migration flows between MENA and the EU can impact their trade relations. We explore the link between immigration and emigration with the intensive margin (IM) and the extensive margin of trade (EM). The main novelty is to try to disentangle the knowledge transmissions channels from network and preference effects in relation to migration flows. The analysis is carried out by checking for migration effects on the degree of technology embodied in EU traded goods by considering low, medium and high technology classes. Our results and policy implications are important for harnessing the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for prosperity, growth and employment and are of relevance to policy-makers dealing with migration policies, trade-negotiators, and for civil society and businesses.
The list of FEMISE MED BRIEFS is available here.
The policy brief has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union within the context of the FEMISE program. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.