Tag Archives: Syrie

Conference Paper 6: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE GREEN TRANSITION IN LEBANON AND SYRIA Identifying Policy Gaps and Spotting Opportunities to Design Sustainable Policies


This policy paper casts a spotlight on the struggling ecosystems that stymie entrepreneurial efforts within the green transition sector, with a keen focus on Southern Mediterranean nations like Lebanon and Syria. It unearths critical policy gaps and highlights the multifaceted challenges impeding progress—ranging from inadequate government intervention and outdated regulatory frameworks to insufficient infrastructure, weak support systems due to internal conflicts caused by the political conflict and war in Syria, and a lack of sustainable financing and public awareness. Recognizing entrepreneurship as a pivotal force for driving change, the study emphasizes the need for long-term investment and expert guidance to fuel transformation. Based on information gathered through key informant interviews and Focus groups with experts in the field of green energy, the policy paper advocates for strategic engagement with donors, international NGOs, academic institutions, innovation hubs, and financial entities, proposing a blend of sustainable funding mechanisms and collaborative efforts. It also underscores the crucial role of universities and innovation centers in fostering awareness, developing relevant curricula, and shaping regulatory frameworks to bolster entrepreneurial ecosystems.

The abstract is also available in French and Arabic

FEMISE MedBRIEF 20: “The Long-Term Impact of Syrian Refugees on Turkish Economy”

Pr. Ramon Mahia (UAM, Spain) and Pr. Ali Koc (Akdeniz University, Turkey)

The FEMISE Policy Brief series MED BRIEF aspires to provide Forward Thinking for the EuroMediterranean region. The briefs contain succinct, policy-oriented analysis of relevant EuroMed issues, presenting the views of FEMISE researchers and collaborators to policy-makers.

The MED BRIEF “The Long-Term Impact of Syrian Refugees on Turkish Economy”, is available here.

It is also available in Arabic here.




Results for 2017 (short term impact)
• The total value-added impact generated by the occupations of Syrian refugees in the Turkish economy was an estimated 27.2 billion TL at the end of 2017, representing 1.96% of total Turkish GDP.
• Production effect is estimated at 1.51% of GDP for 2017. This impact supposes an increase in production of 30.59 billion TL across different sectors, generating 20.9 billion TL of value added.
• Induced demand effect accounts for the rest of global impact, for 0.45% of GDP in 2017. This induced demand effect implies new production estimated at around 11.7 billion TL, generating 6.2 billion TL in value added. This induced demand effect is essentially produced by direct consumption and investment of Syrian population; the direct effect is estimated at 0.3% of GDP for 2017.
• All in all, native employment induced by Syrian economic integration (from both production and demand effects) was an estimated 132,454 persons in 2017.
• The direct impact of Syrian economic integration is spread unevenly across different sectors, reflecting the greater or lesser presence of Syrian workers in the production effect and specific consumption and investment patterns.
• Details provided by the simulation schema support the idea that enhancing employment opportunities for refugees by improving their education and skills, promoting entrepreneurial capacity and providing work permits in well-targeted sectors will further increase refugees’ contribution to economic growth.

The list of FEMISE MED BRIEFS is available here.

The policy brief has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union within the context of the FEMISE program. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union