The FEMISE team is pleased to share that, for a second consecutive year, FEMISE is ranked among the 100 “best Think-Tank networks” according to the “Global Go To Think Tank Index” of the University of Pennsylvania (TTCSP), available here !
The “Go To Think Tank” is the result of an international survey of over 1,950 scholars, public and private donors, policy makers, and journalists who helped rank more than 6,500 think tanks using a set of 18 criteria developed by the TTCSP.
Meanwhile, two FEMISE reports have been included in the list of “Best Policy Study-Reports Produced by a Think Tank“, they are :
– Private sector in the Mediterranean countries: Main dysfunctions and opportunities of social Entrepreneurship (2019),
by Pr. Patricia Augier, Dr. Constantin Tsakas, Pr. Sami Mouley, Karine Moukaddem, Jocelyn Ventura.

– Repatriation of Refugees from Arab Conflicts: Conditions, Costs and Scenarios for Reconstruction (2019),
FEMISE, with more than 105 members’ institutes, will continue producing high quality policy-oriented economic research, to have a real impact in the Mediterranean region.