Avallone Paola

Avallone Paola

Director of Research of Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies (ISSM), Italian National Council of Research (CNR)


Téléphone : +39 3395669997

E-mail : avallone@issm.cnr.it


Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies - ISSM Italian National Council of Research - CNR

Pays : Italy

Type d'institution : Center of Research

Institution FEMISE : no

Thèmes de recherche

  • Other


Participation in FEMISE-funded research: %s

Publications récentes

P. AVALLONE, Accounting Crimes: The Case of the Neapolitan Public Banks (17th–18th Centuries), Accounting Historians Journal: June 2017, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 5-16.
P. AVALLONE, The Neapolitan credit model. The Banking System in Pre-unification Southern Italy in “Annales Mercaturae”, 2/2016, pp. 127-142.
P. AVALLONE, Alle origini del credito agrario. I monti frumentari nel Regno di Napoli e le riforme di fine ‘700, Napoli, CNR, 2014, ISBN 978 88 8080 124 5.
P. AVALLONE, Bankruptcy in the Kingdom of Naples: The case of public banks (17th - 18th centuries), in Thomas Max Safley (edited by), The History of Bankruptcy. Economic, Social and Cultural Implications in Early Modern Europe, Routledge, 2013, ISBN 978-0-415-68730-0, pp. 97-107.
P. AVALLONE, Il credito, in P. Malanima e N. Ostuni (a cura di), Il Mezzogiorno prima dell'Unità. Fonti, dati, storiografia, Rubbettino ed., Soveria Mannelli (Ct), 2013, ISBN 978-88-498-3763-6.